okay, so i have a dilemma and have decided to make this an interactive post. it's really not your usual dilemma, but i need some input. so, read my blog, and then vote :)
so, my dad has offered to pay for me to get new energy-efficient windows. this is something that has been in the mix for a little while, as over the summer I had Renewal by Anderson come out and give me a free estimate. And although their windows are really nice and fairly eco-friendly, they were also quite pricey. I looked into a few other companies, some of which claimed to be "green", but found out that they make their windows out of PVC.
Now, most of you are probably wondering what's the big deal with PVC? I didn't really know... but once I heard about it, and the more I looked into it, the more anti-PVC I have become. To the point where I have decided I will try and not buy things with PVC in them (which is quite difficult, PVC is pretty pervasive), particularly huge purchases (such as windows).
So I dropped the window thing.
Well, a few weeks ago my dad brought it up again, and gave me a coupon for BGE Home. So I called them and inquired about what their windows were made out of (hoping against hope). Guess what? PVC.
So, here's the dilemma: Do I put up a fuss with my dad and refuse windows made out of PVC? Or should I not look a gift horse in the mouth? I honestly don't know if it's better to have energy efficient windows made out of PVC, or keep the current ones I have. I suggested to him this local green company that does energy audits, saying I'd rather have that done then blindly replace window that might be OK, but he more or less said no.
So - I either need to call and schedule an estimate, or tell my dad no. There you have it. What should I do?