Friday, July 10, 2009


So, there has been a serious positive development in my work environment this morning. The ladies who work in my department invited me for breakfast/coffee at the Grind. So we sat for 15 minutes and chatted and it was nice. And they told me to join them every morning if I wanted to. So, I'm glad, even if they are 30 years older than me. What's funny is it came out that I'm *significantly* older than what they thought. They thought I was 21. That's like the cute little girls I met while camping who thought I looked 19. They were in awe when they found out I'm actually 26. Ha.

On another note, I made a new friend at the bus stop. He's this older man, Polish, and so nice. He laughs all the time. Half of the time I can't even understand him, his accent is so thick and his English not so great. But this morning he asked if I was married. When I told him no, he was clearly shocked "What??! A beautiful girl like you?!?" (I'm paraphrasing for your convenience - his English is very broken). And when I told him "maybe" sometime in the future I would get married, he was like, "Listen, I know you don't believe me [because I was laughing him off], but to be married and have a family, that's what makes life wonderful. To be alone - not so good." It's too bad I believe him deep down. My counselor thinks I'm messed up in the head when I say "my ideal scenario" would be to be 500% content being single for the rest of my life, NOT to find the man of my dreams and settle down. I never thought of that being weird until he mentioned it. Shows you how damaging my prior relationships have been on my psyche. But just yesterday I was ranting at God for giving us stupid humans a deep-seated desire for a committed, intimate, long-term relationship. Why not make us complete on our own? Grrr.

Ok, I'm definitely babbling. And I have a thousand pretty graphs to make about age-of-onset inicidence rates for the major mental disorders :)

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