Sunday, February 8, 2009

my new yoga habit

So... as many of you know, I've picked up yoga. On and off since college I've toyed with yoga, never really sticking with it. However, I'm proud to say that for the past month I've been going 3 times a week! And I love it! Well, sometimes it's more of a love-hate relationship, like tonight at hot yoga at one point I was pretty sure my heart was going to give out. BUT I feel so great afterwards, that I quickly forget how much pain I was in. And I was in such a rotten mood this evening before I went, and it's almost like I'm a different person when I'm finished. It's funny, it's not like running at all... where I never cease to forget how much I hate it.

I wonder what it is about certain activities that makes a person gravitate to one versus the other. But I'm glad to have found mine - I've decided to reward myself with new yoga clothes and a yoga mat :) I also look forward to the day when I will actually be able to do a head stand. Or some of the other ridiculous poses that make me fall flat on my face.

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