Sunday, June 21, 2009

Migraine + Stupid Boys = Crappy Day

Yup. Woke up with a migraine. Then I had an annoyingly deja-vous experience by being kind of stood up for a date. It just really sucks when you know that the reason the current experience is really bothering you is not because you care a lick about the current boy or the current plans, but that that is brings flooding back all the painful memories of the prior boy and the prior experience. But fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me, right? No second chances to a flake - that's my lesson to apply to the current situation. Because in the end, they prove to be a flake, regardless of how much time passes. I'm too low maintenance, I let people (ok, just boys) walk all over me. Yet I don't know how to be high maintenance. It's quite a conundrum. What I need is an upstanding gentleman who actually appreciates what he's got (low maintenance is just a bonus!) so that it never occurs to him to walk all over my low-maintenance self. *sigh* haven't found that yet.

But, not to be too down on life, I want to give a quick shout out to one of my most favorite guys with whom I went kayaking today. Because that was definitely the highlight. :)

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