Saturday, December 27, 2008


I was up until 5:30 last night to finish a book I had started 12 hours previously. The whole time I knew I shouldn't have, but I haven't pulled an "all-nighter" to finish a book in years. It was refreshing. I hardly ever get to read for pleasure anymore. Oddly, I'm not even sure I liked the book. It was kind of disturbing. Even while reading I wasn't sure I was committed to finishing. But still, I'm glad I did.

Friday, December 26, 2008


So, it's odd, because Christmas this year was kind of bittersweet. On one hand, it was perhaps the best Christmas I have ever had, or at least since I was a little kid. My family drives me crazy, but we seemed to all enjoy one another's company - apart from the minor feud that arose from ordering Chinese food. I love how my family does christmas - we get up early (although early these days is 8:30 or 9:00) and open stockings, eat breakfast, and then leisurely open presents. Then later that day we order out chinese food. I guess it's just the atmosphere of not having to rush, of savoring the gift giving (and receiving). Not having to worry about preparing a huge meal or having tons of relatives over. Just my aunt, uncle and little cousin. I'm totally carrying on that tradition when I am older and have my own family. Of course it does help that my dad's side of the family is Jewish ;-p

On the other hand, 2008 was a year of loss, particularly in the latter months. I was anticipating this day to be slightly painful, as I'm reminded of the differences between now and a year ago. I've lost some dear relationships, good friends have moved away, and there's been just a lot of pain and suffering lately in life as a whole. If the past months have proven anything, it's that saying is (sometimes) true: Life's a bitch, and then you die. So, my last thoughts tonight before I go to bed very contentedly, are for my friends who will most likely find this holiday to be excrutiating: my friend who recently lost her mom to MS, and my other friend who's husband (also my friend) is in a coma. More on that perhaps in a future blog. But for now, that's where my heart is tonight - with them.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

how to make jerky

So, i was up really late last night attempting to make beef jerky in my dehydrator (yes, I have a dehydrator - don't knock it!). It was somewhat more involved than I expected. Up til now I've mostly dehydrated things like apples, parsley, bananas, even pears (which were kinda weird). And those are pretty easy. But the jerky? No. And since this is my first try, I'm a little nervous, because it's my christmas present to my uncle, who apparently really likes jerky, but I'm paranoid that it'll be raw or taste horrible or be moldy or something. I guess I'll have to give a disclaimer when he opens it. But Chai is going crazy, so it must at least smell good :)

Anyway, we'll see how it goes. I gotta get back to gift wrapping. Merry Christmas everyone!!

"And the Word became flesh and lived among us." ~ john 1:14

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Me? Blogging?? ha!

okie dokie. so i've never blogged before. in fact, i always found it mostly stupid. what kind of word is "blog" anyway? BUT I got to thinking today that I've been having a really hard time journalling, and hence don't have an outlet for stuff. so I figured i'd give it a shot. if it doesn't pan out, well, it doesn't pan out.

all in all i've been feeling like although I have a lot of awesome friends, there's parts of me that no one gets. Or maybe i've never bothered to convey. either way, at least I can pretend that I'm telling someone, but don't have to bore anyone ;-p so there you have it. Hell has indeed frozen over.

Oh, and on a side note, I have a good friend who once said that "bittersweet" was the perfect way to describe me. I'm not bitter, yet i'm not sweet. :)