Wednesday, December 24, 2008

how to make jerky

So, i was up really late last night attempting to make beef jerky in my dehydrator (yes, I have a dehydrator - don't knock it!). It was somewhat more involved than I expected. Up til now I've mostly dehydrated things like apples, parsley, bananas, even pears (which were kinda weird). And those are pretty easy. But the jerky? No. And since this is my first try, I'm a little nervous, because it's my christmas present to my uncle, who apparently really likes jerky, but I'm paranoid that it'll be raw or taste horrible or be moldy or something. I guess I'll have to give a disclaimer when he opens it. But Chai is going crazy, so it must at least smell good :)

Anyway, we'll see how it goes. I gotta get back to gift wrapping. Merry Christmas everyone!!

"And the Word became flesh and lived among us." ~ john 1:14

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