Monday, August 17, 2009

composting is sexy

yes, folks, for those of you who didn't know it before, there is NO excuse now. :)

I just got my brand-spankin-new composter up and working over the weekend. Let me tell you - it's HOTT. I was kind of dreading the transfer of a year's worth of compost from my ghetto trash can into my new sleek sexy official critter-proof wheel composter. (I shall have to take a picture and add it). But I was too excited to put it off for long!

And much to my pleasant surprise, even though I hardly ever give my composting trashcan a second glance (I "water" it but never turn it), it was actually composting nicely! It hardly smelled at all, and was mostly indistinguishable from what it was - mostly just a few blatant egg shells floating around. And somehow a few big fat worms made it in as well, which made me happy. Who knows how they got there (my mom tried to tell me that they just materialized from within the compost...). But anyway, it's all in my new baby and now that I can actually turn it several times a week I should have some GREAT compost SOON. I'm feeling a good deck garden next year. :-D

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