Friday, August 7, 2009

happy day :)

I had a great day at work today! What? you might ask? Is hell freezing over? Perhaps. However, I had a SIGNIFICANT amount of social interaction today. Morning coffee. Introduction to a doctoral student who uses the office next door and seems really friendly and nice. Helped a co-worker with Word and now she feels she owes me breakfast or lunch. Got my 90-day review and passed with flying colors (I still get nervous and think they will hate me for some odd reason). Had several other conversations with the ladies throughout the day. The word got out that I have a hedgehog, so I sent around photos and that was the talk of the town. And my white pinstripe BR pants make me SO HAPPY for some reason. And the ladies said that I looked especially "striking" and they commented on my necklace, which I informed them was from 10 Thousand Villages, so they took the shuttle down to Fells at lunch and had a fun time shopping and then came back and were showing me all their spoils (and of course blaming me for spending so much money since I was the one who brought it up!). :)
Plus it was beautiful out. So it was the first time in a while my heart feels light! That's the deceptive nature of depression - you feel gray for so long and your thoughts betray you, convincing you that you will never feel happy again. Perhaps one day I won't believe it.

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