Friday, August 14, 2009

simple pleasures

So, I'm a firm believer that life is all about simple pleasures. And today while riding the bus to work I was reminded of one. So from there I decided I should start making a list of random simple pleasures that make life brighter. So as they come up I'll be posting some of them. :)

Simple pleasure #19: "Splurging" to take the bus on a lazy day and getting on to find the machine broken so you get a free ride.

Simple pleasure #5: New pants that fit perfectly and make you feel like hot stuff. BONUS: they were on sale.

Simple pleasure #8: Discovering a new song that you love. BONUS: you love the entire cd! [recommendation: Blue October - Approaching Normal]

Simple pleasure #21: Getting to leave work early for no good reason. BONUS: it's a friday.

And of course, the ultimate simple pleasure: A good cup of coffee, particularly if shared with a friend.

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