Thursday, March 5, 2009


i was not expecting to love Mexico City. Granted, I haven't had time for culture shock or anything to set in. And my head hurts from speaking poor spanish constantly. I guess maybe all the hype on its negative aspects subliminally gave me the thought that I would hate it. Or at least be anxious to return home.

What i DEFINITELY was not expecting was when during my first full day here, walking around downtown, to be hit full on with a wave of nostalgia. A stupid lump in my throat. It was so emotionally-driven that I had to figure out where on earth it was coming from!! And then I took another look around the crowded, cobblestone streets and realized: Spain! If I hadn't known any better, I would have thought I had been transported to Sevilla.

But even after realizing that I was surprised, because I had forgotten the intensity of my attachment to Sevilla, how I had been determined to return and live there for at least a year. I had forgotten the feel of what it was like to live there.

So many things have come back to me so vividly, things that I didn't realize I even remembered. The stores I used to shop in: Berksha, Pull and Bear. Stopping by the random ice cream stores at least twice a day. Milling about bookstores wishing I could haul more back with me in my suitcase. The buzz after having a successful (albeit short) conversation with someone.

*sigh* perhaps I'll have to remember my dream this time...

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