Friday, March 27, 2009

a mish mash of stuff

So, as many of you know, I turned my thesis in today. Now, I'd like to say that it's all downhill from here, but I'm pretty sure that's not true. I have too many syllabi and too many 10-12 page papers to write. Still, I do feel a little lost without the thesis thing looming over my head...

It's raining... AGAIN... the only happy thing is that I have upped the ante with my bike riding - I rode home today not only in the dark, but in the rain! yup. and i didn't much care for it. I was also thinking I should obey the law and wear a helmet.

Today also finished up my first week of classes of my last term of grad school. Kind of crazy. I have definitely signed up for too many classes, and the only one I want to drop is the only one I'm required to take. story of my life. But I am taking this really interesting one on "the built environment" - aka urban sprawl, land use, transportation etc. and I'm pretty excited about it.

But, since it's after midnight, i'm gonna hit the sack. Just wanted to ramble before bedtime.

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